Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

In retrospect we preferred this site to the one that we wanted inside the Valley of Fire State Park . We arrived Thursday afternoon expecting to find a partial hookup site at the AtlAtl Rock campground, or in the alternative at the semi-primitive Arch Rock. The draw to these campgrounds are that they are nestled in the amazing red sandstone rock formations that are actually fossilized sand dunes. It is one of the draws to visit the park. We did not find any open site, which surprised even some regular visitors. Hard living in the desert While researching the park I made note that there is BLM land disbursed camping situated at both the east and west entrances. Some of these campsites can get crowded. We were lucky and found this isolated site about a half mile off the the entrance road on the wide open mountain desert. We were prepared to dry camp, and the site provided ample sun for our solar panels. We had the peace ...