
Showing posts from July, 2021

Oregon Capes

  We have been enjoying the Oregon coast for the last week.  Several things brought us here.  Visiting friends Fred and Patty who are Camp Hosts at Cape Lookout State Park.  Also most of Steff’s sister’s family has gathered for a time in Dallas Oregon.  I continue to say it, visiting friends and family while we have been on the road is the best thing about traveling the way we do.  The upside is that we also spend time in some amazing places. This section of Oregon coast is home to the Three Capes , all located within about 40 miles of each other.  You can see all three in a single day.  The real challenge is how long to spend at any one. We based our stay in two places.  First was ‘Moochdocking’ as Steff’s Sisters place with loads of family time.  The next was at an RV park in Pleasant Vally just outside of Tillamook. Cape Kiwanda You are able to drive onto the beach, at low tide, park and walk along the surf  to the dune were you ...

Fort Bridger, Wyoming

Jim Bridger was one of the most colorful and widely traveled mountian men of his era.  In 1842 he and Louis Vazquez established a trading post on the Blacks Fork initially intending to supply the fur trade.  As that trade was in decline the post supported emigrants traveling the Oregon and Mormon trails.  While Bridger called the small stockaded compound a “Fort” it did eventually become a military installation which was finally abandoned in the 1890’s.   The area is now a historical site maintained by the state, in addition to the small town of Fort Bridger.  We met friends here on July 3rd for the small Independence Day parade. Following drinks and lunch we visited the historical Fort Bridger . Replica of Bridger’s Original Stockade Inside the “fortifications” were two buildings.  This one had two rooms shared by the Bridger and Vasquez families. The other building also had two rooms, one a blacksmith’s shop, the other for storing supplies Many of the hi...