We just returned "home" after spending the last week in Boulder. It is a bit unusual for me to say that leaving Boulder means going home! One of the things we will get use to is how to handle medical and dental appointments while living on the road. So far we have chosen to schedule and coordinate our appointments with each other. Right now this means we are returning to Boulder every six months or so. This is not a bad thing as both of our kids are now living in Boulder. If we aren't in AIROSMITH, we should always have a place to stay! This visit we stayed with Ryan and his 120 lb, three-year-old Neapolitan Mastiff. We left the trailer with great friends outside of Calhoun Georgia. We have had a wonderful time visiting with Curtis and Kathy while here. They have been kind enough to let us park AIROSMITH in their driveway for the past two weeks. While in Boulder we caught up with my siblings and our kids, and their families. W...