Anne of Green Gables, Prince Edward Island

The story of Anne of Green Gables is actually two stories. The first is the book it’s self. The other is of Lucy Maud Montgomery and her growing up on Prince Edward Island, and how that profoundly shaped her writing. Our visit to this island was driven in many ways. Not the least of it was wanting to visit friends Ivan and Diane, who call this island home. We met them while staying just outside of Miami Florida in December of 2018. We have been planning this visit since then, and this summer presented the first real opportunity. Another reason to visit is Steff’s somewhat distant relation to L. M. Montgomery. As we figured it, the two are First Cousins, three times removed. Yes, it is a stretch, but reason enough to to explore her history. Driving through this Island is reason enough for a visit. It is the beaches, and coves. The wonderful mix of potato farms, wheat fields, cattle and fishermen. Lobstermen to be exact. Th...