New Clairvaux Winery

Wine and new friends.  Possibly two of the best things about travel.  We headed up to Chico California to meet new friends.  We share a mutual friend with Robin and Martin, who suggested that we meet each other.  That prompted our visit to Chico.  We spent a whirlwind three days, often not getting to bed before 1AM.  Our kind of folks!

On top of them hosting us for two fantastic dinners at their home, they guided us to one of the most unique wineries that we have visited.

The New Clairvaux Vineyard and Winery is operated by an order of Trappist Monks and is one of the most historic wine making properties in California.  An order of Cistercians Monks are cloistered here.  They live and work at the Abbey of New Clarivaux in the small town of Vina.  They make some fantastic wine here.  There is the additional joy of seeing the restored 12th century “Chapter House” that was originally part of the Saint Maria de Ovila Cistercian abbey in Spain.  The reconstruction has an interesting history.

To new friends and good wine!

Artesian marks on the original 12th century stone block



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